Shushane & Co

Leverage Israel's Innovation
Benefit from the Israeli excellence in disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship
Israel is famously called "The Startup Nation", because of its excellence in disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship. Your business can highly benefit from it in several ways, through our services
1- Learning Expeditions
Discover the secrets of Israel High-Tech ecosystem performance in Innovation in general and/or in specific sectors.
Meet with emblematic actors of this ecosystem (last trend startups, accelerators, VCs, R&D centers, institutions,...)
2- Investment
Invest in an Israeli startup can be very profitable in a short period of time. Indeed, the Israeli startup average exit amount amount to $100M, in an averge of only 5 years from the startup creation date.
But this requires a local presence, skilled enough to identify the right technologies & teams, to maximise the chances of success.
3- Partnership
Build an R&D partnership with an Israeli company, which includes finding the right partner, build the bridge (including the cultural one) and follow up after the agreement. The Israeli governement grants 40 to 50% of the R&D Israeli company budget as subsidies.
Many countries have signed R&D agreement with Israel, which enables their companies to also receive subsidies from their own countries. In France for instance, the FIRAD can finance between 50 to 70% of the French company R&D budget as part of a Franco-Israeli R&D partnership.
4- Lectures and Training
- The cultural,operational & ecosystem secrets of the Israeli excellence in disruptive innovation and entrepreneurship
- How you, your company and your environment can benefit from this know-how and/or from a partnership with Israeli companies and institutions
Shushane & Co is based in Israel and is leveraging alltogether
- its extensive network at the highest level, in all fields and with all the different types of players of the Israeli Innovation ecosystem (Accelerators, VCs, Universities, R&D Centers, Governmental bodies, Institutions, Communities...)
- Its thorough knowledge and understanding of the Israeli Innovation & Entrepreneurship culture and practices, from R&D to Business Development
You want to know more? Please contact us by calling the +972 (0)528 17 46 71 or writing e-mail to