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French CESIN 2nd Learning Expedition in Israel, with Shushane & Co, Wavestone & CEIS

Shushane & Co organised the Learning Expedition 2019 of the CESIN in Israel, in partnership with Wavestone and CEIS, with the support of Palo Alto Networks.

The delegation was made up with 16 people, included top notch CISOs of prominent international french companies/organisation, as well as representatives of integrators and consulting companies being key players in the French cybersecurity ecosystem.

The delegation had the privilege to meet with some emblematic actors of the Israeli cybersecurity ecosystem. This included

- An introduction to the Israeli Innovation (ecosystem structure, culture, characteristics)

- Visit of one of the biggest Israeli bank’s Fusion Center SOC and meeting with its CISO

- Private meeting with a partner of an international VC having 6 global offices in the world

- Meeting with the head of the Israel Cyber Directorate and presentation of its activities

- Visit of the CyberSpark

- Private meeting with the head of the Ben Gurion University TTO (Technological Transfer Office)

- Visit of the israeli CERT

- Participation to the Cyber Week

- Private meeting with the France Digital Ambassador, his excellency Mr Henri Verdier

- Private meeting with Pr. Ben Israel who is among others, the father of Israel cybersecurity

- Participation to the public and private French embassy’s events organised at the occasion of the Cyber Week

- A session on the Israeli cyber Education for young people (high-school, extra scholar, army) at Appleseeds Academy

- Visit of the international cybersecurity R&D center of Palo Alto

- Private meeting with the CTO of one of the biggest Israeli Telecom operator

- Private meetings with CISOs of prominent international foreign companies

- Private meeting with Pr. David Harari, father of the drones and Israel Prize 2011 in Science

- Pitches of 6 carefully selected disruptive startups

- Visit of the international TV channel i24 News and interview given there. To watch it, click HERE.

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